
,TheVADP(VIVOTEKApplicationDevelopmentPlatform)isanopendevelopmentplatformthatallowsdeveloperstocreatethird-partystand-aloneapplicationsor ...,為了滿足這些不斷變化的需求,晶睿通訊開發了VADP(VIVOTEK應用程式開發平台)。VADP是開放平台,讓第三方合作夥伴能夠將雲端服務的應用程式上傳至攝影機,提供更多 ...,Theapplicationcandetectthenumberofpeoplestandingatapre-definedqueueregioninreal-time.Facilitymana...

VADP Partner

The VADP (VIVOTEK Application Development Platform) is an open development platform that allows developers to create third-party stand-alone applications or ...

與Genetec™ Stratocast™ 雲端平台展開策略合作

為了滿足這些不斷變化的需求,晶睿通訊開發了VADP (VIVOTEK 應用程式開發平台)。VADP 是開放平台,讓第三方合作夥伴能夠將雲端服務的應用程式上傳至攝影機,提供更多 ...

VADP Package

The application can detect the number of people standing at a pre-defined queue region in real-time. Facility managers are instantly notified about the queue ...


The VADP (VIVOTEK Application Development Platform) is an open platform that enables end-users, resellers and system-integrators to enhance the features of ...

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